病人 & 游客指南


1-病人有权在任何时候得到称职人员的体贴和尊重的照顾,而不受歧视. The patient has the right to privacy during 考试, assessments, procedures and treatment.
2——病人 has the right to obtain from the physician, sufficient information concerning diagnosis, 治疗及预后, changes in his/her condition and the causes of such changes, in terms the patient can be reasonably expected to understand.
3——病人 has the right to know, 的名字, the physician responsible for authorizing and performing procedures or treatment.
4-在开始医疗程序和(或)治疗之前,平台首页有权从平台首页那里获得知情同意所必需的信息. 知情同意信息应包括对具体程序和/或治疗的描述, 风险, 选择, the expectations for a successful outcome, & the probable duration of incapacitation.
7——病人 has the right to know what hospital rules & regulations apply to patient responsibilities.
8- The administration of the AHD, 医务人员和所有其他工作人员都致力于以公平的方式对待和处理病人的关切和投诉. 市民可透过现有/指定的渠道,就服务提出投诉及建议.
12——病人 has the right to appropriate assessment and management of pain. The patient’s right to pain management is respected and supported. 你的平台首页和护士会评估你的疼痛,并让你参与决定缓解疼痛的措施,以尽量减少你的疼痛.
13——病人 has the right to refuse treatment for any or all of the care offered. 拒绝治疗妨碍按照道德和专业标准提供适当护理, 向平台首页解释潜在的后果,并可能终止与平台首页的关系.
14-病人有权拒绝任何非直接负责其护理的人士检查或跟进其治疗详情. 没有直接参与病人治疗的人士须获准许出席个案讨论, 检查和/或治疗.
15——病人 & his/her family has the right to participate in the care decision making & 如果语言存在理解障碍,有权获得翻译(根据要求和可用性).
16——病人 has a right to receive immediate care in emergency cases.
17-在体检的某些部分,平台首页有权要求与自己性别相同的人在场, 由异性保健专业人员进行的治疗或程序,以及在完成需要脱衣服的医疗目的所需的时间内不脱衣服的权利.
18——病人 has the right to refuse to participate in medical training programs.
19-本署致力为绝症及末期病人提供尊重他们独特需要的关怀, according to the Local Law and Regulations.


3- The 病人 is expected to ensure that the financial obligations for their healthcare are met.
4- The 病人 is expected to follow hospital regulations, policies & requirements affecting their care & 行为.
5- The 病人 should be considerate of the rights, privacy & comfort of other patients and hospital personnel and property. 他们被要求协助控制噪音,并限制游客人数在任何时候不超过两人. In special circumstances, visitations may be inadvisable on a temporary basis.
6——病人 is expected to provide complete & accurate information about past & present illnesses, hospitalization, medication, allergies & 参与治疗的人员需要了解的与平台首页健康史有关的其他事项(包括提供医疗报告).
7——病人 is expected to respect the priority given to emergency patients & to show consideration to other patients.
8-平台首页应按照平台首页的建议在时间框架内预约,并按时赴约. 如果预约取消,平台首页应在24小时内通知呼叫中心.
9——病人 will take full responsibility in the event of refusing of test studies, 考试, 跟进预约, 招生和/或治疗. Certain events of refusal may require the patients’ signature.

  • 禁烟政策
  • 手卫生
  • 火 & 安全计划
  • Non-interference in any medical equipment and patient care activities
  • Only small flower arrangements will be accepted in the patient rooms. The passage hall ways are to be clear of flower arrangements
  • Only patients and/or authorized “sitters” will be allowed to consume food in the patient’s room
  • 医院只允许携带一份外部准备的食物。所有访客必须到接待区出示,以便发放访客胸牌
  • 科室将遵守探视限制,全院探视时间为每天10点至21点
  • 14岁以下儿童未经主管护士同意,不得进入ICU/CICU
  • Children are to be supervised by adults during visits to both Inpatient & 门诊区随时待命

11-病人及其家属和访客应避免携带贵重物品到医院,以防出现紧急情况, 是否将贵重物品告知住院人员,并确保按医院规定上交. AHD不负责因不遵守此要求而产生的任何后果.

12- The 病人 is expected to provide written consent prior to any treatment at AHD.